What is baby-led weaning and when is it best to start?

2021-12-06 11:02:42 By : Mr. Arvin Liu

When the bottle needs to be thrown away and breastfeeding is a thing of the past, parents usually turn to pre-made baby food purees to guide their children into the next phase of the food journey.

However, some people say that infant-led weaning provides a different option for the introduction of solid foods: teach children to build positive relationships with various foods as early as possible, so that the whole family’s meal time becomes easy, and provide for babies. They may lack nutrients.

"In simple terms, baby-led weaning is about letting your baby set the rhythm during the introduction of solid foods," said Krystyn Parks, a pediatric nutritionist, who successfully used baby-led weaning with her own two children. . "After all, babies feed themselves from the beginning."

In the infant-led weaning process, with the passage of time, the infant gradually transitions from a liquid diet of breast milk or formula milk to a different solid non-mashed food.

According to Parkes, this method encourages a responsive feeding method in which parents pay attention to the baby’s cues—such as showing curiosity about new foods or feeling full—and let them Decide how much you want to eat.

"Infants are born to be very intuitive eaters," she said. "They eat when they are hungry, and stop when they are full."

"If parents encourage babies to overeat all the time, this can easily happen when parents take the lead in eating solid foods," Parks added. "Infants start to rely on external factors to decide how much to eat, rather than their own hunger and fullness. Abdominal sensation. Clues."

Parks said this may cause problems in later life, such as overeating or undereating, adding that research also shows that children who have not eaten mud by the age of 9 months tend to be more picky eaters.

"Through baby-led weaning," Parks explained, "babies start eating finger food from the beginning, so [when to transition from puree to solid] is not a problem."

Ali Wolfe, a former broadcast journalist and host of the Mom’s Call podcast, knew firsthand that infant-led weaning can sound overwhelming at first. When a mother in Nashville, Tennessee received approval from a pediatrician to introduce solid foods to her daughter Valerie, then 4 months old, she said that she began to pioneer her own infant-led weaning path and adopted some unconventional methods. The method stops along the way.

"Baby-led weaning can be scary and a bit restrictive," Wolff said of her experience. "As a parent for the first time, I feel that I must choose a method and stick to it. On the contrary, I found that the feeding process is a process of continuous evolution, experimentation and learning for my baby and myself."

Wolf said that although she was only breastfeeding Valerie at the time, she wanted to start "playing" with solid foods during family dinners in the evening.

"I didn't go directly to infant-led weaning, but started spoon-feeding Valerie oatmeal, fruits and vegetables, and pumped breast milk," she recalled. "By the time she was 9 or 10 months old, we developed a baby-led weaning method. This method is very effective for us. Once we start baby-led weaning, the meal time will become more Easier and more fun."

Wolf's now 14-month-old daughter has had short-term and long-term success in the infant-led weaning process.

"In the short term, once we let Valerie feed herself, she will actually consume more food," Wolff said. "She is free to explore the healthy options presented to her."

"In the long run, I believe [baby-led weaning] teaches independence and exploration," she added. "I also feel more inspired to create new healthy recipes for all of us to enjoy together. I hope that mealtime is a happy and relaxing experience for my family, and baby-led weaning helps strengthen at this point."

Ana Munoz is the owner of Doula and Morris prenatal massage. She is the mother of her 1-year-old daughter Lana. She has tried infant-led weaning.

"This is the simplest decision we made for our daughter," Munoz said.

Munoz says that her career often keeps her separated from Lana for a long time: Once her breast milk stock is used up, Lana begins to refuse any kind of bottle, and baby-led weaning seems to be the perfect choice for her family.

"She transitioned from direct breastfeeding to solid foods," shared her mother in Boonton, New Jersey. "Her mouth must learn a whole new way of food processing."

The first few attempts were a learning process: When Lana learned how to move food in her mouth, she would make a slight vomiting sound. But with some patience and a little time, Munoz said that under the close supervision of her parents, Lana eats bananas, blueberries, chicken, steak and other foods, which has become her second nature.

According to Munoz, by the age of 12 months, Lana can enjoy a variety of solid foods from fruits and vegetables to meat. In addition to the nutritional benefits that are valuable to Munoz and her family, the busy mom reports that Lana's new skills make mealtimes easier.

"Don't worry I forgot to pack food for her," she said. "She can eat anything anywhere."

Since every child is different, it is important to recognize signs that the baby is ready before taking the first step of a baby-led weaning.

Molli Fowler, a registered dietitian from Salt Lake City, Utah, shared information about infant-led weaning on her Instagram page @babiesfeedingbabies. 

Fowler's tips on how to know when your baby is ready to take an exciting step to try solid foods?

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First, your baby should be about 6 months old and can sit up without any help. In addition, babies should be naturally interested in food and try to put objects in their mouths. Another signal that needs attention comes from the tongue-the thrust reflex that helps the baby hold the nipple should start to disappear.

Fowler also shared a well-made food list to make it easy for you to start a new journey: butternut squash, bananas, avocados, chicken, broccoli, scrambled eggs, apples, sweet potatoes, oatmeal, carrots, pasta, cantaloupe, Salmon and watermelon, she said, is a good starting point.

Even with these tips in mind, Fowler knows that infant-led weaning can be confusing at first.

“When I gave birth to my daughter in 2019, I knew I wanted to adopt a baby-led weaning method to start eating solid foods, but it was confusing and overwhelming,” she shared. "I couldn't find any simple, affordable resources based on scientific research, so I started to create it myself."

Monica Phillips feels the same way, so she founded Little Chompions, an organization dedicated to helping parents feel supported when starting their food journey with their babies through tool kits that include pamphlets for spoon feeding and baby-led weaning And tools.

As a pediatric speech therapist with expertise in feeding therapy, Phillips, who lives in Washington, DC, helps babies and children based on their oral muscles and motor skills. Phillips has two children of her own, and she offers her own views on the success of infant-led weaning.

"Meet your child wherever they are," she said, "If your baby is not ready, don't just join in. The most important thing is to check your baby’s signs and start from there, and always make changes to your child as needed ."

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